Yoga with Blake Abramovitz


Mondays and Fridays, 5:30-6:45pm

When practiced gently, without much force, but with kind, mindful awareness, yoga asana can gently break open our hearts. It can release locked emotional energies, unwind old tensions, and permanently lighten our experience of life.
But even in this gentle practice, there is a kind of warrior training, where we learn to stay poised across a huge spectrum of experiences: Resistance, anxiety, sadness. And joy and aliveness too, which are often just as hard to embrace. On our mats we enlarge our capacity to tolerate intensity, and so become freer to engage with life.

By Donation: $10 or whatever you can afford (nobody will be turned away due to lack of funds)

Payment instructions:
Venmo: Blake-Ambramovitz-1
PayPal: [email protected]

This is an online class. Please RSVP below to get a Zoom link.

About Blake
By integrating insights from Buddhist mindfulness meditation, yoga, neuroscience, western psychology, and addiction theory, Blake responsibly and empathetically guides students into liberating encounters with even the most difficult dimensions of their experience. He offers tried and true methods for regulating interior states, unwinding deeply held emotions and trauma, and generating states of kindness and joy.

September 11, 2020 at 5:30pm - 6:45pm

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