Treasure Map: Unearthing True Value in Yourself and Your Relationships

Facilitated by Blake Abramovitz

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

–Joseph Campbell

Date: Fridays - an ongoing all levels class. Drop-ins welcome
Time: 7:30 till 9:00pm PST (Los Angeles time zone)
Price: $10 per class, $35 for a 4 week pass, $70 for an 8-week pass 

To Register: Please contact Blake directly at [email protected]

Treasure Map is a rolling eight-week meditation course, employing Buddhist mindfulness techniques, creative journaling practices, the evocative power of poetry, and authentic community to catalyze development across multiple lines.

This course is a skills-based training, guaranteeing no radical overnight transformation, no permanent ecstatic state. The aim of Treasure Map is to equip students with real, practical tools for navigating rough terrain. It focuses on the messy but necessary work of facing raw, vulnerable dimensions of our humanity, empowering practitioners to show up more authentically in their creative lives, their work, and their relationships.

 Human beings employ various methods for fleeing what’s uncomfortable. As Carl Jung put it:

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

The shadow reappears despite our best attempts to escape it. With the realization that there in the shadows is where our treasure is buried, we can radically shift our relationship to the places within that scare us. 

Your treasure is locked in some inky cellar.

Or it is lying in a sodden swamp,

guarded by Will-o’-the-wisps,

Or it is clutched in the skeletal hands

of a mummy.

It doesn’t matter. Find your own tiny body

in the yellow of this faded map—

there you are—

and set out.

Like a dotted line twisting

across parchment,

your diamond feet

will find the way.


After many years as a hard-partying Hollywood actor, I heeded a deeper calling to find a more balanced and fulfilling life purpose. I dedicated myself to serious yoga and meditation practice and study, training extensively with an array of L.A.'s most dynamic and respected teachers in both disciplines. The resources I’ve developed as a result of my studies have brought profound healing to the wounds of my rocky childhood and have allowed me to flourish mentally and emotionally.

I’ll be sharing these practices alongside insights on how neuroscience, psychology, and addiction theory support and expand our path to wholeness, allowing us to radically increase our overall life satisfaction and happiness. Though I am a meditation teacher of eight years now, I remain fiercely devoted to creativity as a spiritual path and still practice as a poet, musician, playwright, and actor.

To learn more about Blake, visit

July 09, 2021 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Google map and directions
Blake ·

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