Traversing the Spiritual Path


Course 3

Traversing the Spiritual Path, From Beginning to End

Sundays, 3 May - 7 June 2020
4:30pm - 6:30pm PST

This is an online only event.


Brought to You by Senior Students of Lama Marut

A successful spiritual practice, like a well-built house, requires a good foundation upon which subsequent layers are built. Using the Buddhist model of the “steps on the path to Awakening” (lam rim) we’ll review all the stages of a comprehensive spiritual practice, from the beginning phases to full Enlightenment.

Benefits of the Course:

  • Build a complete and systematic course of personal spiritual development and integrate it into daily life
  • Identify missing or deficient areas of your training and practice
  • Learn how to cultivate the “Wish for Awakening”
  • Understand the relationship between meditative concentration and wisdom
  • Train in deep conceptual and non-conceptual meditations on ultimate reality
  • Based on Atisha’s Lamp for the Path to Awakening (Bodhipathapradipah).


This course is offered online through Mind Oasis. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Facilitator: Dima Yepishin
Dima has spent the last decade deeply exploring Tibetan and Theravada Buddhism, Authentic Movement and breathwork. Dima has been facilitating meditation and philosophy classes at Inner Way LA since 2014 and has been serving as the center's president since 2015.

This class is a part of the CLASSICAL TEXTS AND AUTHENTIC PRACTICES OF EASTERN SPIRITUALITY curriculum offers a progressively unfolding, comprehensive course of study in the wisdom and practical application of Eastern spirituality as it pertains to modern life. 

The curriculum as a whole is comprised of twelve courses to be taught over two years. When taken together, these stand-alone courses constitute an extensive course of study in the classical scriptures and principal practices of Eastern spirituality. 

Based on Lama Marut’s original translations and relevant, applicable interpretations of the Sanskrit classics of the Hindu, Buddhist, and Yogic traditions, each course consists of six weekly two-hour interactive online classes, including lecture, discussion, and guided meditation portions. 

These courses cover a wide range of teachings and practices from an inclusive, comparative, and non-sectarian point of view. They are designed to provide an in-depth, systematic, and coherent foundation and overall framework for any serious spiritual practitioner.

Each of the twelve courses consists of six classes, and each class includes a practice to help you directly integrate the teachings into your everyday life. Registrants for each course will have access to the archive of visual and audio recordings of the classes. Classes that will meet weekly and last 2 hrs.

Each class includes a lecture and time for Q&A as well as either a live guided meditation or a recording to work with during the week. Participants who complete all twelve of the classes will receive a certificate of completion from Lama Marut’s spiritual center, Inner Way LA.

  • One course: $225.00 USD
  • Three courses: $500.00 USD
  • Complete twelve course package (save $900.00 USD): $1800.00 USD

Click the link below for more information on the Two-Year Intensive Series "Classical Texts & Authentic Practices of Eastern Spirituality."


May 24, 2020 at 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Karuna (Kelly M. Schwartz, MS) ·

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