Suffering in Silence: Half-Day Retreat for Mindfulness, Movement, and Healing Hidden Grief or "Disenfranchised Loss"
BY Brian Stefan & Daniel Utsinger
Have you felt a sense of shame or guilt for grieving a loss that isn't widely recognized or understood?
Do you hesitate to bring up your grief in conversations, fearing it might make others uncomfortable?
Do you feel like you're expected to "move on" or "get over it" quicker than feels natural or healthy?
Have you noticed friends and family tip-toeing around you, unsure of how to offer you support?
Do you feel pressure to put on a brave face and act as though everything is okay, even when it's not?
Have you ever wondered if you'll ever truly feel understood or supported in your journey through hidden ("disenfranchised") grief.
This is a space for those who find themselves on a hidden grief journey and no longer wish to travel alone. When you're ready, you're ready.
Hidden grief or "disenfranchised loss" includes (but is not limited to):
Loss of a connection to the self
Anticipatory grief, or upcoming loss
Loss of safety in family relationships
Divorce or breakup
Loss of a trusted and dependable loved one (e.g., due to addiction or illness)
Parental estrangement, abandonment, or visitation changes
Socially stigmatized death (e.g., AIDS, suicide, murder, DUI, overdose, etc.)
Death of a pet
Infertility, miscarriage, or abortion
Disabling condition or other health issue
Brain injury, dementia, or cognitive deficit
Loss of an unencumbered childhood
Mental health issue(s)
The grief of the inner child who lives inside of the adult
Moving or loss of a home
Job loss or retirement
Other: ___________________
This will be a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental sanctuary in a community of tenderness and support.
Explore healing through a unique blend of mindfulness and experiential group techniques designed specifically for those living with hidden grief. Engage in gentle introspection as mindfulness practices help cultivate awareness of emotions.
Through light movement (we will get out of our seats), you will be able to creatively express your feelings, foster a deeper understanding of your grief journey, and continue to heal in a supportive environment.
If you experienced a recent hidden loss -- or at any time in your life -- you are welcome here. This is also a space for those anticipating an upcoming loss.
A safe, supportive, and non-judgmental refuge in a community of tenderness and support.
One group processing session will be offered (via Zoom) in the days following the retreat for all participants.
This retreat is NOT group therapy but it will be therapeutic. All are welcome.
Light snacks and tea will be served.
Brian Stefan
[email protected]
Daniel Utsinger
[email protected]
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