Mindful Living: How to Live Fully and Happily in the Present
Sundays, 8 March - 19 April 2020
6:30pm CT (4:30pm PT/5:30pm MT/7:30pm ET)
Please note we will not meet on March 15th.
To Register
Brought to You by Senior Students of Lama Marut
The CLASSICAL TEXTS AND AUTHENTIC PRACTICES OF EASTERN SPIRITUALITY curriculum offers a progressively unfolding, comprehensive course of study in the wisdom and practical application of Eastern spirituality as it pertains to modern life.
The curriculum as a whole is comprised of twelve courses to be taught over two years. When taken together, these stand-alone courses constitute an extensive course of study in the classical scriptures and principal practices of Eastern spirituality.
Based on Lama Marut’s original translations and relevant, applicable interpretations of the Sanskrit classics of the Hindu, Buddhist, and Yogic traditions, each course consists of six weekly two-hour interactive online classes, including lecture, discussion, and guided meditation portions.
These courses cover a wide range of teachings and practices from an inclusive, comparative, and non-sectarian point of view. They are designed to provide an in-depth, systematic, and coherent foundation and overall framework for any serious spiritual practitioner.
The success of one’s meditation sessions and the application of mindfulness throughout the day requires certain adjustments in lifestyle as well as instruction in the actual techniques for “mindful living.” In this course, we review and offer practical ways to apply the authentic teachings on mindfulness drawn from the classical spiritual texts dealing with the subject.
Topics include: “Living a Life Conducive to Mindfulness,” “The Practice of Mindfulness and the Obstacles to It,” “Taming the Mind,” and “Mindfulness in Action.”
Benefits of the Course:
- Acquire authentic mindfulness training based on the ancient classics
- Create a mindful lifestyle
- Avoid activities detrimental to mindfulness
- Learn meditations and contemplations for establishing priorities
- Cultivate the methods for mental awareness and successful meditation
Based on selections from the Buddha’s Mahasatipatthana Sutta, Kamalashila’s Bhavana Krama, Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, and Svatmarama’s Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Facilitator: Brian Reid, Senior Teacher
Brian Reid completed an 18-course foundational program and 18-course advanced program in Tibetan Buddhism in 2010 guided by Lama Marut. He formerly served as the Executive Director and Board Vice President at Lama Marut's flagship center in Los Angeles. Today, Brian serves as a Senior Teacher at Inner Way LA and teaches nationwide and abroad.

Each of the twelve courses consists of six classes, and each class includes a practice to help you directly integrate the teachings into your everyday life. Registrants for each course will have access to the archive of visual and audio recordings of the classes. Classes that will meet weekly and last 2 hrs.
Each class includes a lecture and time for Q&A as well as either a live guided meditation or a recording to work with during the week. Participants who complete all twelve of the classes will receive a certificate of completion from Lama Marut’s spiritual center, Inner Way LA.
- One course: $225.00 USD
- Three courses: $500.00 USD
- Complete twelve course package (save $900.00 USD): $1800.00 USD
For more information on the Two-Year Intensive Series "Classical Texts & Authentic Practices of Eastern Spirituality"
6512 Arizona Ave
Playa Vista, CA 90045
United States
Google map and directions
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