Exploring the Buddha's Wisdom:
A Dharma and Meditation Group

Tuesdays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

This weekly drop-in group is for anyone, from beginner to advanced, who is interested in the wisdom teachings of the Buddha. Each class will feature a talk by class facilitator Jeremy Graves about dharma and the spiritual path, a meditation period, and an opportunity for questions and discussion. We will explore how this path of meditation, morality, and insight leads not only to greater effectiveness and peace of mind, but ultimately to complete freedom from the habitual thoughts and behaviors that make us unhappy. This class will help give you the toolkit you need to achieve the freedom that the Buddha talked about. Our perspective on spiritual practice will be pragmatic and scientifically-informed - after all, extraordinary claims require require extraordinary evidence - but we will also keep an open-minded attitude to the possibilities of personal transformation.

Jeremy Graves is bestselling co-author of the meditation manual The Mind Illuminated, which was shortlisted for the 2016 Eric Hoffer Book Award Grand Prize. A practitioner of mindfulness for over a decade, he has spent roughly two years meditating in intensive retreat. During that time, he studied one-on-one with the well-known meditation master Culadasa and later completed Culadasa’s rigorous three-year meditation teacher's certification. Jeremy has led and facilitated retreats across the country. He also offers individual and group meetings both in-person or online.

October 10, 2017 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Middle Way LA
6512 Arizona Ave
Playa Vista, CA 90045
United States
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Patrick Mohr
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Patrick Mohr

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  • Patrick Mohr
    rsvped 2017-10-10 07:08:30 -0700