Experimenting with Nondual Mindfulness
A Daylong Meditation Workshop with Michael W. Taft
Saturday, September 28, 10 am - 4:30 pm
Please register here - http://notyourordinarymindfulness.org/upcoming-events/
The experience of the Source, as defined in Buddhism, is utterly nondual in nature. Bringing elements of nonduality into our vipassana meditation practice can make this experience much easier to contact. In fact, in some forms of Mahayana and Vajrayana meditation practice, we learn to contact the Source directly and immediately.
Come, explore, and experience this method of vipassana meditation practice with Michael W. Taft.
You will learn and experience:
- Nondual meditation techniques
- Mahayana/Vajrayana methods of working with vipassana meditation
- Several methods of contacting the Source
- Sharing and discussing deeper aspects of practice
- Elements of nondual philosophy
- A full day of practice, learning, sharing, and stillness
- A playful day of experimenting with Nondual Mindfulness
Michael W. Taft is a meditation teacher, bestselling author, science fiction freak and neuroscience junkie. As a mindfulness coach, he specializes in secular, science-based mindfulness training in groups, corporate settings, and one-on-one sessions. Michael is the author of several books, including the bestselling The Mindful Geek: Mindfulness Meditation for Secular Skeptics, Nondualism: A Brief History of a Timeless Concept, and Ego (which he co-authored), as well as the editor of such books as Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hanson and The Science of Enlightenment by Shinzen Young. He regularly teaches meditation at Google, is core faculty at Wisdom Labs, and worked on curriculum development for SIYLI.
Michael is also a featured teacher on the Simple Habit app, and an official advisor to the Therapeutic Neuroscience Lab. He was previously editor-in-chief of Being Human, and was the long-time editorial director of Sounds True. From Zen temples in Japan to yogi caves in India, Michael has been meditating for over thirty-five years and has extensive experience in both Buddhist and Hindu practice. Michael is a senior facilitator in Shinzen Young’s Unified Mindfulness system, and was a deeply appreciated teacher at Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society. He currently lives in Oakland, California, and is founding editor of the iconoclastic mindfulness meditation blog Deconstructing Yourself https://deconstructingyourself.com/

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