Daily Meditation Practice with Blake Abramovitz
Date: Daily Mondays through Fridays - an ongoing all levels class. Drop-ins welcome
Time: 8:00am PST (Los Angeles time zone)
Price: $20 per week, or $5 per sit. No one turned away for lack of funds
To Register: Please contact Blake at [email protected]
Dear Friends,
When I first got into meditation, I was a real prince of New Age woo. I could psych you out before even getting out of bed in the morning. You should have heard me riff about Carlos Castaneda and the jimson weed and the Eagle's Gift and shooting off like a shooting star into the Second Attention. It would have made your head spin.
Now that I've graduated to trying to be a rational person, I'm qualified to do something few meditation teachers do: Tell you what you can actually expect from a consistent meditation practice.
If you commit to some moderate meditation practice, say a half hour five days a week, I have a reasonable expectation that over the next few months, you will notice:
a. Some genuine reduction in your overall suffering
b. Some increase in your overall fulfillment (Life will get a little more fun)
c. Some enhanced capacity for liberated action— action independent of the content of your thoughts and emotions.
If you not only come meditate with me every weekday morning; if, rather, you also attend my Friday evening Treasure Map meditation course, you can ALSO expect:
a. Better day-to-day alignment with pursuits you find genuinely interesting, leading to a richer sense of meaning.
b. Coherent psycho-education around the legacy of childhood wounds and early attachment disturbances.
c. Improved skill at emotional regulation. Basically, that means you'll learn how not to lose your balance when things get stressful.
d. Increased kindness and authenticity in your intimate relationships.
Even these might sound like bold claims. And I get it. But there's only one way to find out if there's truth in them.
If you long to be happier and more alive, if you have an inkling that your heart could be more free, your mind a better friend to you, your relationships a sweeter refuge, then I invite you to run a bona fide experiment with yourself as the subject:Commit to some practice. Show up.
I promise you this is not skin deep.
See you on the cushion!
Love always,
After many years as a hard-partying Hollywood actor, I heeded a deeper calling to find a more balanced and fulfilling life purpose. I dedicated myself to serious yoga and meditation practice and study, training extensively with an array of L.A.'s most dynamic and respected teachers in both disciplines. The resources I’ve developed as a result of my studies have brought profound healing to the wounds of my rocky childhood and have allowed me to flourish mentally and emotionally.
I’ll be sharing these practices alongside insights on how neuroscience, psychology, and addiction theory support and expand our path to wholeness, allowing us to radically increase our overall life satisfaction and happiness. Though I am a meditation teacher of eight years now, I remain fiercely devoted to creativity as a spiritual path and still practice as a poet, musician, playwright, and actor.
To learn more about Blake, visit www.veniceyogi.com
January 31, 2021 at 8:00am - February 04, 2021
Blake Shields Abramovitz
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