Liberation Breathing

presented by

Liberation Breathing LA

"Liberation Breathing is a Conscious Connected Breathing Process that Restores Your Mind and Body to Health and Wellness."

- Sondra Ray and Markus Ray

Liberation Breathing® is a modern way of taking in more Life Force. It is easy and simple. It is the quickest way I know to clear you of your negative thoughts and memories that are consciously and unconsciously limiting your life. A well-trained practitioner of Liberation Breathing® can save you years of struggle… and bring you to decisions that will alter your life always for the better… liberating you from the past. Through Liberation Breathing® you can reclaim your power to be the ruler of your destiny. No longer will any circumstances be “beyond your control”, as you invite the Divine into your life to forgive and erase the past, and inspire you to be your Self.
Liberation Breathing® recognizes the power of your breath to transform you and brings a new awareness of your true Identity. Yoga masters knew from ancient times the breath as the most essential part of human life, connecting us to the Life Energy behind all matter. They called this energy Prana. Liberation Breathing® is a modern day version of Pranic breathing that gets you in touch with who you are, free of problems and the cause and effects of Karma.

Breathing session is performed laying down. You will need a yoga mat, pillow, and blanket. Some yoga mats and blankets are available. Please bring a pillow and whatever else you need to be comfortable.

Suggested donation: $33

For More Information Contact
Jane Mnoian
April 13, 2019 at 10:00am - 2pm
Middle Way LA
6512 Arizona Ave
Playa Vista, CA 90045
United States
Google map and directions
Jane ·

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